jeudi 16 juillet 2009

The Louvre

Yesterday I went the the louvre for about 3 hours and covered about a tenth of it. Here are some pictures of the areas I got to see (medival, italian, egyptian). My attempt at photographing the Mona lisa took very long since there was about 100 other people crowding around it, but thanks to my awesome compact camera, I had no problem jumping in midair and taking a shot there, it took a few tries but it worked!

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Hey all,

Last night I saw the newest edition to the Harry Potter series on opening day so I decided to write down my critique of the film. I wouldnt read this if you are planning on watching the film yourself.

I will start with the bad since overall, it was a great movie:

1. The ending. The movie ends just minutes after Dumbeldore dies, and unlike the book, Harry is not frozen under his cloak. In the book, Dumbeldore uses his last move before Draco disarms him to freeze Harry so that he could not interfer, while in the movie, he tells Harry to wait downstairs, where he runs into Snape right before Snape kills Dumbeldore. After this scene in the book, there is about a 20 page fight sceene where it is the D.A. and the order vs. the Death Eaters. I think if they had included this, I would not have been so depressed after the movie ended minutes after Dumbeldore died, playing very solemn music throught the credits, which made it worse.

2. The little details. This movie did a great job with the overall plot line, but left many details that do not correlate with the book. Besides the obvious one mentioned above during Dumbeldores death, there are a few others that I noticed. Before Harry and Dumbeldore leave to find the Horcrux, Harry overhears a conversation between Dumbeldore and Snape where Snape says something like "What if I do not want to do this anymore", and Dumbeldore says, "You agreed". Those of us who have read the 7th book in the series understand what this is about. Harry had no clue about Dumbeldore and Snape working together until Snape dies in the 7th book, holding the memory that Harry uses to find out the real story about Dumbeldore's death.

3. The memories. The memories were a great edition to the movie, but in the book there were at least 4 or 5 memories that Dumbeldore had shown Harry not two before Sluhorns real memory. This left gaps about ideas such as Dumbeldore and Harry discusing what the remaining Horcuxes are.

The good:

1.The graphics. Overall this movie had he best graphics out of any movie that I have seen. I especially like the scenes with the Death Eaters crashing the bridge, and the Quidditch match.

2.Overall plotline. This movie amazingly got in the key details that other movies like it have not. It follows the plot line of Harry, Ron, and Hermione overhearing Draco in Borgin and Burkes, Draco consistently disappearing off of the Maruaders Map, and letting the Death Eaters into the school.

Overall this was a great movie, with a horrible ending.

mardi 14 juillet 2009

Les jardins de luxembourge

Hey all,

Today I went to some public gardens not far away from where I was staying and found the true things of french life. Tennis, boules, and speed chess. Boules was probably the best out of the three, and it was nothing like we have in the states. Here is a video, and then some pictures.

The rodin museum

Hey all,

Sorry for the fact that I have not updated the blog in a while so I will update it a few times right now.

A few days ago I went to the Rodin Museum, one of the great sculptures of the renissance. Here are some pictures.

vendredi 10 juillet 2009

The museum of Discovery

Hey all,

Today I went to the museum of discovery and it was pretty cool! They had an astronomy section and a planetarium also. Here are some pictures.


jeudi 9 juillet 2009

The day trip to versielles

Hey all,

Today I went to verseilles and did a lot of walking so I will just post the pictures because I am worn out...
After I walked around for about 4 hours here, I went outside the castle and took a quick try on a seagway for a few euros for 15 minutes and it was awesome! It was awesome to ride. I am also looking for a somewhere where I can empty all of the photos on my camera so that you guys could see all of the pictures so if you know of somewhere that I can put 700 pictures, then tell me. It takes minutes to load one picture here so I would like somewhere that could do it faster also.

mercredi 8 juillet 2009

Centre Pompidou

Hey everyone,

I went to the Centre Pompidou today since it was closed yesterday, and it was very interesting.... Modern art can be good and bad. Here are some of my favorites.....

Ill put some more picture later.